
Nonsurgical Facelift - Full Face Rejuvenation

Discover the secret to a rejuvenated and lifted appearance with our nonsurgical facelift at Refine Aesthetics. Our customized Austin nonsurgical facelift treatments restore youthful contours, tighten sagging skin, and enhance your natural beauty. Let’s take a look at how you can experience the ultimate facial rejuvenation. 

What Is a Nonsurgical Facelift?

What is a non surgical face lift? A nonsurgical facelift is a cosmetic procedure that aims to rejuvenate the face without the need for surgery. Unlike a surgical facelift, which involves incisions and the repositioning of tissues, a nonsurgical facelift utilizes various noninvasive or minimally invasive techniques to achieve similar results. These techniques may include dermal fillers, Botox injections, thread lifts, laser treatments, and ultrasound therapy. 

Nonsurgical facelifts are designed to address common signs of aging, such as sagging skin, wrinkles, fine lines, and loss of facial volume. They offer a more conservative approach with minimal downtime, reduced risks, and typically require shorter recovery periods compared to surgical facelifts.




As we age, our skin begins to droop, causing the midface, beneath the chin, and along the jawline to experience a loss of firmness. Refine Aesthetics Austin, Texas, offers Sofwave™ treatments to reduce brow, neck, and chin laxity and restore your skin’s natural fullness and beauty. Softwave™ technology targets the dermis at a depth of 1.5mm using ultrasound waves. Collagen and elastin are vital to support proteins produced by these cells. As a result of this energy, the dermis is heated, which boosts collagen production. In addition, the heat tightens and lifts existing collagen fibers at the same time while remaining cool on the skin. Using ultrasound energy at a precise depth prevents damaging the skin’s surface or surrounding tissues. With Softwave®, you will notice a noticeable lift, a reduction in wrinkles and lines, and less laxity.

Let’s work together to lift, rejuvenate, and revitalize your skin! Book your appointment with Refine Aesthetics today!

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What Can Be Included in a Nonsurgical Facelift?

The true power of nonsurgical facelift techniques for full-face rejuvenation can be unlocked when they are combined. Dermal fillers restore volume and structure, while Botox smooths wrinkles and signs of aging. Thread lifts provide subtle lifting, and laser treatments improve skin texture and laxity. To optimize results, Sofwave’s collagen-stimulating technology can be combined with injectables. Sofwave enhances skin elasticity and texture, while injectables address volume loss and wrinkle reduction. This dynamic duo offers a comprehensive approach, promoting natural collagen regeneration and restoring youthful contours. 

Treatments that can be included in a nonsurgical facelift include:

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Benefits of Nonsurgical Facelifts

Nonsurgical facelifts offer advantages such as minimal invasiveness, lower risk, quick recovery, customizable results, subtlety, temporary effects, and cost-effectiveness. In the following sections, we will delve into these benefits in greater detail.

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What Does the Full Face Rejuvenation Process Look Like?

The initial consultation is a crucial first step in the nonsurgical facelift process. During this consultation, the provider will assess the patient’s goals and concerns, carefully evaluating their skin condition and facial structure. This comprehensive evaluation helps in understanding the patient’s unique needs and developing a personalized treatment plan.  It also can help people budget for their treatments and compare what the cost and downtime or non-surgical versus surgical options are.  

Once the treatment plan is established, the actual procedure can take place. The duration of the procedure may vary depending on the specific techniques used and the extent of treatment. In many cases, nonsurgical facelift procedures can be completed within a couple of hours but may need to be spread out over a few weeks for optimal results.  

Depending on the treatment chosen, anesthesia or numbing options may be offered to ensure patient comfort during the procedure. Topical numbing creams or local anesthesia injections are commonly used. We also offer Pro-Nox also known as laughing gas as a pain management option at Refine Aesthetics. 

The treatment session involves a step-by-step process of combining different techniques tailored to the patient’s needs. This may include injections of dermal fillers or Botox, thread lift placement, and Sofwave or laser treatments. The specific sequence and combination of treatments will be determined by the personalized plan discussed during the consultation.

Following the procedure, the patient will be given post-treatment instructions. Expected downtime and aftercare will depend on the specific treatments performed, but most nonsurgical facelift procedures have minimal downtime. Some common side effects may include temporary swelling, redness, or bruising, which can be managed with cold compresses and over-the-counter pain relievers as recommended by the provider and most importantly a little bit of time to heal.

Follow-up appointments are typically scheduled to monitor the patient’s progress and address any concerns. Touch-up treatments may be recommended to achieve optimal results. The provider will guide the patient on the frequency of follow-up appointments and any additional treatments that may be needed to maintain or enhance the results.

Choosing the Right Austin-based Provider

Selecting a qualified and experienced provider is crucial when considering a nonsurgical facelift. Here are some criteria to consider when choosing the right provider:

  1. Certification and credentials: Look for a provider who is state and nationally certified in a relevant field this can range from RN, PA/NP and MD/DOs. This ensures they have undergone rigorous training and meet high standards of expertise.
  2. Years of experience in nonsurgical facelifts: An experienced provider will have a deep understanding of facial anatomy and a track record of successful outcomes. Look for a provider who has specialized experience in performing nonsurgical facelift procedures.
  3. Positive patient testimonials and before-and-after photos: Reading patient testimonials and reviewing non surgical face lift before-and-after photos can give you insight into the provider’s skill and the satisfaction of their previous patients.
  4. Comfort level during the consultation: During the consultation, pay attention to the level of comfort and trust you feel with the provider. Open communication and a personalized approach are essential for achieving your desired results.

When it comes to meeting these criteria, Refine Aesthetics stands out as a top choice. We have nationally certified professionals with extensive experience in nonsurgical facelifts. During a consultation with Refine Aesthetics, you can expect a personalized treatment plan tailored to your goals, so you can achieve the results you’re looking for.

How Much Does a Nonsurgical Facelift Cost?

The cost of a nonsurgical facelift depends on factors like the provider’s experience, the number and type of treatments, and the geographic location. In Austin, prices can range from $2,000 to $5,000 or more. Refine Aesthetics offers financing options, so that you can prioritize value, safety, and results over cost alone when choosing a provider.

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Testimonials and Success Stories

The reviews for Sofwave are in, and they’re overwhelmingly glowing.  Just look at the Sofwave before and after photos.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What are the benefits of a nonsurgical facelift? Nonsurgical facelifts offer minimal downtime, natural-looking results, reduced risk of complications, and the ability to address multiple concerns simultaneously.
  2. What treatments are typically involved in a nonsurgical facelift? Common treatments include dermal fillers, Botox, thread lifts, laser skin resurfacing, and Sofwave.
  3. How long does a nonsurgical facelift procedure take? The duration varies based on the treatments used but typically ranges from 30 minutes to a few hours.
  4. Is the procedure painful? Discomfort is usually minimal and can be managed with numbing cream, ice packs, or local anesthesia if needed.
  5. How long do the results of a nonsurgical facelift last? Results vary, but most treatments provide temporary results that can last from several months to a few years.
  6. Are there any risks or side effects? Possible side effects include temporary swelling, bruising, redness, or mild discomfort. Serious complications are rare when performed by a qualified professional.
  7. How soon can I resume normal activities after a nonsurgical facelift? Most patients can return to their daily activities immediately or within two to 5 after the procedure.
  8. Can I combine nonsurgical facelifts with other treatments? Yes, nonsurgical facelifts can be combined with other treatments such as injectables, laser resurfacing, or ultrasound therapy to achieve comprehensive facial rejuvenation and optimal results. Some treatments can be performed the same day while other treatments may need to be staggered. 
  9. How many treatments are typically needed for full face rejuvenation? The number of treatments depends on individual goals and concerns. A personalized treatment plan will be developed during the consultation.
  10. Is a nonsurgical facelift suitable for everyone? Nonsurgical facelifts are suitable for many individuals, but a consultation with a qualified provider is essential to determine candidacy and discuss specific concerns.
  11. Are nonsurgical facelifts suitable for all skin types? Yes, nonsurgical facelifts can be suitable for various skin types. However, a consultation with a qualified provider is necessary to assess individual needs and determine the most appropriate treatment approach.
  12. How do I know if I’m a good candidate for full face rejuvenation? A consultation with a qualified provider will determine your suitability for full face rejuvenation based on your individual goals, skin condition, and medical history.
  13. How often should I undergo nonsurgical facelift treatments to maintain results? The frequency of nonsurgical facelift treatments for maintaining results varies depending on the individual’s specific needs and the treatments chosen. Consult with your provider for personalized recommendations.
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Looking for a Nonsurgical Facelift Tailored to You and Your Needs? Get in Touch!

Are you ready to experience the transformative power of an Austin nonsurgical facelift? Book your consultation with Refine Aesthetics today and discover why our expert team, state-of-the-art techniques, and personalized approach set us apart. Reveal your natural beauty with confidence. Schedule your consultation now!

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